Injection Systems
Advanced Injection Systems for Enhanced Ground Stabilisation
Master Builders Solutions provides advanced injection systems designed to enhance ground stabilisation in mining operations. Our injection solutions ensure the integrity and safety of mining excavations by providing robust support for rock and soil structures.

Key Benefits
Enhanced Stabilisation
Provides reliable support for rock and soil, preventing collapses and improving safety.
Efficient Application
Simplifies the injection process, reducing labour and time requirements.
Durable Performance
Ensures long-lasting and effective stabilisation in challenging mining environments.
Rock and Soil Stabilisation
Preventing collapses and enhancing the stability of mining excavations.
Structural Support
Providing additional support for mining infrastructure.
MasterRoc MP 230CLN
Flushing and Preservation Agent for PU Injection Pumping Equipment
MasterRoc MP 323
Solvent-Free Hydrophilic Grout for Rock Injection and Sandy & Silty Strata Consolidation
MasterRoc MP 350
One-Component Water Sealing Injection Resin for Cracks and Fissures in Concrete and Rock
MasterRoc MP 355
Highly-Reactive, Two-Component Polyurethane Injection Resin
MasterRoc MP 356
General Purpose Rigid Polyurethane Foam for Pour-In-Place Applications in Wet and Dry Conditions
MasterRoc MP 367 Foam
Highly Reactive Polyurea Silicate Injection Foam for Filling and Ground Consolidation
MasterRoc MP 368
Highly Reactive, Fire-Resistant Two-Component Polyurea Silicate Injection Resin for Ground Consolidation
MasterRoc MP 368 TIX
Highly Reactive, Thixotropic, Fire-Resistant Polyurea Silicate Injection Resin for Ground Consolidation and Concrete Crack Repair
MasterRoc MP 640S
Microfine Cement for Injection into Rock and Soil
MasterRoc MP 768TIX
Highly Reactive, Thixotropic, Fire-Resistant Polyurea Silicate Injection Resin for Ground Consolidation and Concrete Repair
MasterRoc MP 900S
Ultrafine Cement for Injection into Rock and Soil
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