Digital Tools

Get connected to our digital tools.
Master Builders Solutions continues to invest in digital tools and resources designed to help you select the right solutions and increase efficiency on each project.
Master Builders Connect
This next-generation e-commerce platform redefines how you interact with Master Builders Solutions. With intuitive navigation, personalized product views, seamless ordering, and enhanced account management, this tool streamlines your purchasing experience.
MasterAtlas Software
The industry's first virtual concrete assistant. This AI-driven software platform provides easy access to live up-to-the-minute performance data to keep your team informed for decision-making. Provides compilation from multiple sources to resolve variances quickly and catch problems before they start. Contact us for more information​
Concrete Now! App
This app provides instant access to information on common concrete properties. Using the mobile app, you can browse through concrete concepts, observe the impact of various materials, consider design factors (or modifications) and use interactive tools to get answers related to slump, air, finishability, and set-time.
MasterTRAC Plus Network
This new generation admixture dispensing system makes it easier than ever before for concrete producers to manage the replenishment, dosing and service of admixtures at the plant. The cutting-edge technology within this system provides on-time, real-time dispensing and visibility.