Master Builders Solutions History
The expansion of industrialization and reform in the early 1900s sparked innovation and invention. Chemist and visionary S.W. Flesheim established Master Builders Inc. in Cleveland, Ohio seeking to bring innovative solutions to the construction industry.
The start of this decade boasted a strong economy that continued to stimulate new business and industry opportunities.
Master Builders develops water-repellent admixture for concrete.
Master Builders was connecting technology to performance by revolutionizing concrete with the first water reducing admixture, MasterPozzolith, air-entraining admixtures and accelerating admixtures that improved the quality and durability of concrete.
The World War II era challenged the construction industry to develop building techniques that would promote durability. Master Builders Technologies continued to evolve and MasterPozzolith admixture became a staple in new construction.
The 1950s was an era of stability, change, and growth. A strengthening economy and a growing national infrastructure drove construction technologies to support the growing consumerism.
The 1960s was a time of cultural revolution and breaking away from the norm. New options in construction technology helped translate the sentiment of the era.
This decade saw the birth of the modern-day skyscraper.…Rheobuild superplasticizer for ready-mix and precast applications increased concrete workability, allowing buildings to reach record-breaking heights.
Thinking and building bigger became the buzz words in the 1980s. Polyheed, the first mid-range water-reducing admixtures and the newly patented DELVO Stabilizer, enabled hydration of concrete to temporarily be stopped, reducing waste.
Glenium polycarboxylate admixture technology helped make concrete a more versatile material and was an integral chemistry in the production Rheodynamic SCC. Rheomac UW 450 new anti-washout admixture enabled concrete to be placed underwater.
The 21st century marked a renaissance in construction technology with the invention of 4x4 Concrete System for fast-track paving projects. Master Builders Solutions also Introduced MasterFiber products for reinforced concrete.
Master Builders Solutions is launched with a host of new and innovative technologies such as EPDs Manager tool for concrete, MasterSure Z 60 workability-retaining admixtures and Master X-Seed strength-enhancing admixtures.
Master Builders Solutions launched MasterAtlas, Virtual Concrete Assistant and introduced MasterSuna returned concrete admixture and MasterSuna clay-blocking admixture. MasterEase Water-Reducing and Conditioning admixture was also introduced.