Retarders & Hydration Control
​Set Time Retarding and Hydration Control Admixtures
Increase Concrete Setting Time
Producing uniform and predictable quality concrete is important for meeting requirements for placing and finishing concrete, especially in high performance concrete. Master Builders Solutions Set Retarding and Hydration Control Admixtures can help facilitate retarding of set characteristics in concrete, and stabilization of long hauls and returned concrete, offering:
Flexibility in placing and finishing, especially for long hauls of concrete
Reduction of waste associated with concrete washwater and returned concrete
Moderate to extended concrete set retardation
MasterSet DELVO
Hydration controlling admixture
Hydration controlling admixture
MasterSet R 100
Set-retarding concrete admixture for superior finishing
MasterSet R 122
Set retarding admixture
MasterSet R 300
Set retarding admixture
MasterSet R 961
Set retarding admixture
MasterSet R 99
Set Retarding Admixture
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