MasterSet DELVO
MasterSet DELVO
Hydration controlling admixture
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MasterSet DELVO description:
MasterSet DELVO ready-to-use, liquid admixture is used for producing more uniform and predictable high-performance concrete. MasterSet DELVO admixture retards setting time by controlling the hydration of Portland cement and other cementitious materials while facilitating placing and finishing operations.
MasterSet DELVO admixture meets ASTM C 494/C 494M requirements for Type B, retarding, and Type D, water-reducing and retarding, admixtures.
Recommended uses:
Stabilization of concrete wash water
Stabilization of returned plastic concrete
Stabilization of freshly batched concrete for long hauls
4x4 Concrete
Pumped concrete, shotcrete (wet mix) and conventionally-placed concrete
Plain, reinforced, precast, pre-stressed, lightweight and normal weight concrete
Pervious concrete
What are the unique features of MasterSet DELVO?
Reduced water content required for a given workability
Retarded setting time characteristics
Improved workability
What are the benefits of MasterSet DELVO?
Provides flexibility in the scheduling of placing and finishing operations
Offsets the effects of slump loss during extended delays between mixing and placing
Reduces waste associated with concrete washwater and returned concrete
Increased strength – compressive and flexural​
Learn how to use MasterSet DELVO for end-of-the-day washout procedure.