
MasterRoc SA 194

MasterRoc SA 194

Alkali-free, liquid high-performance set accelerator for sprayed concrete
How does MasterRoc SA 194 set accelerator work?​

MasterRoc SA 194 admixture is a high performance, alkali-free shotcrete accelerator for use in the wet-mix spraying process. It is a liquid additive whose dosage can be adjusted to achieve the desired setting and hardening times.

Recommended uses:

  • Temporary and permanent ground support in tunneling and mining operations

  • Slope stabilization

  • Also suitable for the acceleration of cementitious grouts, such as annulus grout used in TBM tunneling, cement grout used in injections, and cellular concrete used in backfill operations

What are the unique features of MasterRoc SA 194?
  • Ability to construct thick sprayed concrete linings during one construction sequence

  • Unique and advanced formulation

  • Fast setting

What are the benefits of MasterRoc SA 194?
  • Allows rapid work progress

  • Enables early-age strength development, good long-term strength and enhanced durability

  • ​Very low dust generation during application and hence, better working environment and improved worker safety

  • Low rebound (when concrete is sprayed at the correct nozzle angle and distance)​
