Continuing Education Courses
Information that matters to you – in the most convenient way possible
The construction industry is always changing. To stay current, professionals need information and continuing education. That's why we've developed a suite of on demand courses and lunch and learns on important topics facing our industry. Learn about the latest technologies in new construction and restoration while earning AIA learning units or PDH credits.
Master Builders Solutions is pleased to offer FREE lunch and learns for architects, engineers, contractors, and building owners, featuring our experts on construction technology.
Fundamentals and Benefits of Fiber Reinforced Concrete (valid for 1.0 PDH) Request a lunch-and-learn
Topics to be covered:
Fiber basics
Standard test methods for evaluating the performance of fiber-reinforced concrete
Fiber Dosage Wizard, an interactive tool to calculate required fiber dosage
How to specify FRC
Innovative Green Concretes for Sustainable Construction (valid for 1.0 PDH) Request a Lunch-and-Learn
Topics to be covered:
Why Green Concrete is needed
Performance attributes of high-performance Green Concretes (HPGC)
Eco-Efficiency Analysis (EEA) as a sustainability measurement tool
Developing concrete specifications to include requirements for high performance concrete
High profile projects using Green Concretes
Water-Repellency and Efflorescence Control in Masonry (valid for 1.5 PDH) Request a lunch-and-learn
Topics to be covered:
Achieving water-repellency and efflorescence control in masonry construction
Admixture technologies for single-wythe masonry walls
Applying admixture technologies to other manufactured products, such as pavers and roof tiles