
MasterRoc TSG 870

First Fill Fire Resistant Tail Sealant for Shielded Tunnel Boring Machines (TBM)

How does MasterRoc TSG 870 work?

MasterRoc TSG 870 is our new fire resistant first fill tail greas for shielded tunnel boring machines. It effectively seals the gap between the shield and  concrete segments to prevent the ingress of water, grout, and soil. It is formulated to resist high water and grout pressures and has excellent adhesion to all types of surfaces. It is designed as a first fill sealant.

Where is MasterRoc TSG 870 used?

Tunneling with shielded mechanized tunnel boring machines (TBMs) equipped with a tail seal brush system.

Features of MasterRoc TSG 870
  • Excellent sealing properties

  • Excellent adhesion to any metal or concrete surfaces

  • Good pumping properties.

  • Pumping system recommended to be close to the application location

  • Excellent consistency and sealing properties

  • Proper adhesion to any metal or concrete surfaces

  • Very high washout resistance

  • Non-miscible with annulus grout​


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