
MasterRoc SLF 41

Soil conditioning foam for Tunnel Boring Machines (TBM)

How does MasterRoc SLF 41 work?

MasterRoc SLF 41 is a polymer reinforced foaming agent specially designed for soil conditioning in shielded tunnel boring machines. It is suited to soft ground tunneling and silt to sand soils which may contain a high amount of water, and can be used with the standard TBM dosing and foaming equipment.

What are the unique features of MasterRoc SLF 41?
  • Improved soil behavior.

  • Easier ‘mucking’.

  • Reduced soil permeability.

How does MasterRoc SLF 41 benefit customers?
  • Creation of plastic deformation properties in the soil, which provides an even and controlled support pressure and increased face stability.

  • Lower inner friction and lower abrasiveness of the soil at the cutterhead.

  • Reduced stickiness of certain soils, which would lead otherwise to blockage problems.


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