
MasterGlenium 200

How does MasterGlenium 200 work?

MasterGlenium 200 is an innovative economical admixture based on third generation polycarboxylic ether (PCE) polymers. MasterGlenium 200 is specially engineered to be versatile for the ready-mix concrete market to replace both a lignosulphonate based water reducer and a superplasticizer. Its configuration allows it to perform as a multi-functional admixture; it is possible to obtain a high quality concrete mix with good strength development and extended workability without delayed setting characteristics.

What is MasterGlenium 200 used for?

What MasterGlenium 200 is used for the production of all grades from high quality to low specification ready-mix concrete.

MasterGlenium 200 may be used in combination with MasterMatrix admixtures for producing Rheodynamic concrete, capable of self-compaction, even in the presence of dense reinforcement.

Features and Benefits

  • Capability of delivering high quality concrete at any time to the job site in place.

  • Production of a concrete with low water cement ratio that meets EN 206-1 without loss of workability.

  • Single product for most applications from everyday water reducing to Self-compacting Concrete.


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