The world requires new construction to provide essential homes, offices, and infrastructure for a growing, increasingly urban population. At the same time, those designing, commissioning, investing in, managing, and delivering construction projects are facing pressure to lower the embodied carbon and resource consumption in new and refurbished developments, as part of the path to net-zero.
Master Builders Solutions is well-equipped to support the construction sector to navigate many challenges — from cement and concrete suppliers to contractors, engineers, architects, investors, and managers.
Our admixture solutions can reduce the quantity of cement required in concrete, improve the longevity of concrete, enhance the workability of low carbon concrete containing low-clinker cements, and enable the recycling and use of returned concrete to contribute to the circular economy. Our admixtures can reduce curing energy demands and improve cycle times, hence significantly improving efficiency and cost.
Our commitment to sustainability
To the left are some figures from our 2023 Sustainability Report. To view the full report please see below
of net sales from products that enable sustainable construction
Climate Change
reduction in CO₂e per tonne produced (scope 1 and 2)
Circular Economy
wastewater reduction per produced ton
Health & Safety
lost time injury rate per 1 million working hours globally

Our sustainability strategy "SustainableNOW", is based on four pillars
SustainableNOW Pillars
Products and services
Innovate products and solutions designed to preserve resources, lower emissions, and safeguard health and wellbeing
Climate and Environment
Reach targets to reduce our emissions, water consumption, and wastewater across our operations
Support the health and safety of our employees and work towards a more diverse workforce
Business integrity
Ensure our business is conducted in a compliant, ethical, and transparent manner
Some of our sustainable solutions
Superplasticizers for low-viscosity concrete
A family of advanced superplasticisers that help produce concrete with lower viscosity and improved workability, thus allowing for better manipulation or further water reduction and strength enhancement or to overcome the challenges when using increased amounts of supplementary cementitious materials (SCM) to reduce carbon footprint.
Solutions for challenging raw materials
A range of water-reducing admixtures that enable the use of recycled aggregates or low-spec sand (clay contaminated, crushed recycled aggregates) in concrete, supporting circularity and preserving natural resources.
Master X-Seed:
Advanced concrete hardening accelerator
Concrete strength enhancing admixtures increasing the strength of concrete, reducing the total quantity of cement required, and enabling a higher proportion of SCM