
MasterRoc MS 685

A lubricating aid, viscosity modifying agent (VMA) and strength enhancer for concrete

How does MasterRoc MS 685 work?

MasterRoc MS 685 is a liquid admixture based on a suspension of amorphous silica.

These ultra-fine particles start working as soon as they are incorporated in the mix. The texture of the slurry is similar to cement paste and creates a stable microscopic mineral.

This texture provides improved cohesion, lessens porosity and increases “compactness” of the mix.

What is MasterRoc MS 685 used for?

MasterRoc MS 685 is suitable for pump concrete; semi-dry concrete mixes; mixes exposed to high friction; concrete exposed to frequent wetting; concrete with fine architectural finishes; high Performance concretes; shotcrete concrete; injection mortars; self-compacting concrete and improved flexural strength

What are the benefits of MasterRoc MS 685?

The amorphous silica starts working in a pozzolanic manner as soon as it is incorporated in the cement based mix and as a consequence gives texture to the paste.

This enhanced texture improves the whole rheology of the concrete mix (or mortar) and prevents migration of the water, therefore:

  • Improves Cohesion

  • Reduces pump pressures

  • Reduces the tendency for a mix to segregate

  • Reduces porosity

  • Improves the overall quality of the concrete

  • Corrects a lack of fine elements within a grading curve.

  • Improves surface finish


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