
MasterEase 5100

High-range water-reducing admixture for precast concrete, with superior rheology and consistence retention performance

For the precast industry, saving time and using less energy – without compromising on results – is an underpinning goal. MasterEase 5100 is the latest product developed through our ongoing innovation drive to support this need.

Based on a new, and patented polymerisation process, MasterEase 5100 provides an enhanced period of consistence retention without compromising the early strength development of the concrete. MasterEase 5100 also brings improved concrete rheology and 28-day concrete strengths.

How does MasterEase 5100 work?

The polymer structure of MasterEase 5100 is specially designed to improve the rheology of precast concrete, making it very flowable, with low viscosity, even at very low water/cement ratios. When precast concrete is produced with MasterEase 5100, you can expect robustness, a superior surface finish and retention performance. MasterEase 5100’s tailored mode of action brings a level of viscosity to a mix that achieves the right balance between fluidity, passing ability and resistance to segregation – apparently opposing properties.

Where to use MasterEase 5100?

MasterEase 5100 is suitable for making precast concrete elements with highly fluid concrete without segregation, but with low water/cement ratios for high early and final strengths. MasterEase 5100 is optimised for use with the Master X-Seed 100 Crystal Speed Hardening concept.

What makes MasterEase 5100 different?

MasterEase 5100 brings many benefits to the concrete industry:

  • ​Production of highly flowable, robust self-compacting concrete with both a low water/cement ratio and optimal rheology.

  • Enhanced robustness and consistency retention, combined with low stickiness.

  • Environmentally friendly, CO2-reduced mix-design optimisation.

  • Potential elimination or reduction of heat curing.

  • Improved surface appearance.

  • Durable precast concrete elements as per EN 206-1.

  • Elimination or reduction of energy required for placing, compaction and curing.

  • Reduced curing time and temperature to optimise the curing cycle.

  • Increased productivity, particularly when used with Master X-Seed 100.

  • Self-compacting concrete with low fines content (material passing the 0.125 mm sieve).


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