
MasterRoc MP 800

Fast setting 14µm ultrafine Portland cement for injection into rock and soil with a Blaine value of 800m2/kg

How does MasterRoc MP 800 work?

MasterRoc MP 800 is well-graded cement milled from pure Portland cement clinker. It is specifically designed for pre-injection in all underground structures, post injection, water ingress reduction, ground stabilization and contact injection. Due to its small particle size it penetrates very well into tight joints, fissures and pore spaces to provide a watertight grouted rock or soil mass.

What are the unique features of MasterRoc MP 800?
  • Achieves initial and final setting faster than standard micro and ultrafine cements. This increases productivity in tunnel injection operations.

  • Excellent penetration in tight joints, fissures and pore spaces.

  • Fast setting and durable.

How does MasterRoc MP 800 benefit customers?
  • Better working environment - no hazardous components.

  • Economical solution.

  • Standard cement injection equipment can be used.


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