
MasterRoc MP 355 Thix

2k injection polyurethane resin for stopping very-high volume and rapid water ingress​

How does MasterRoc MP 355 Thix work?

MasterRoc MP 355 Thix is a two component, solvent-free polyurethane injection resin specifically designed to stop high volume water ingress and rapid water under difficult conditions (flowing water) in underground structures. It is suitable for cold water.

What are the unique features of MasterRoc MP 355 Thix?
  • On contact with water, the reaction is completed within a short period of time.

  • Thixotropic properties give increased stability and anti-diluting properties when exposed to high water flows.

  • When in contact with water, the product forms rigid foam.

How does MasterRoc MP 355 Thix benefit customers?
  • Suitable when structural strength is required immediately.

  • Without the presence of water, the product also reacts and forms a stiff, rubber-like material. This is a significant safety advantage, as the material will be cured in any conditions.

  • Very fast viscosity increase.


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