
MasterRoc MP 320

Solvent-free, colloidal silicate grout for rock injection and consolidation of sandy and silty strata

How does MasterRoc MP 320 work?

MasterRoc MP 320 is a one-component injection system for the following applications:

  • Pre-injection grouting for underground application

  • Post injection

  • Ground improvement

  • Water ingress reduction

  • Slope stabilization

Due to the hydrophilic nature of the product, the adhesion is also good on wet surfaces, and the non-foaming product contains neither solvents nor toxic components.

What are the unique features of MasterRoc MP 320?
  • Very low viscosity

  • Good bonding to wet surfaces

  • No environmental impact

How does MasterRoc MP 320 benefit customers?
  • As the product is non-aggressive, it provides improved working safety

  • Controlled gel time with the use of an accelerator

  • Simple mixing and pumping equipment as used with cementitious grouts can be used


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