
MasterRoc TCC 735

Chloride-free liquid concrete improver

How does MasterRoc TCC 735 work?

MasterRoc TCC 735 is a chloride-free, multi-purpose liquid admixture which enhances the quality of sprayed concrete in both the plastic and hardened state. It is specifically designed for:

  • Wet-mix sprayed concrete applications

  • Cast concrete

  • Concrete with low cement content

  • Concrete with deficient aggregate grading or low fine content

  • Hot climates

Its unique composition ensures better hydration of the cement. As a result initial shrinkage is substantially reduced, bonding characteristics are enhanced and both density and compressive strength are increased.

What are the unique features of MasterRoc TCC 735?
  • No external curing agent necessary

  • Maximized cement hydration

  • Improved bond between layers and to substrate

How does MasterRoc TCC 735 benefit customers?
  • Improved workability and pumpability

  • Increased density and final strengths

  • Reduced initial shrinkage and reduced permeability


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