
MasterPozzolith 324N

Water-reducing plasticizing admixture for concrete

How does MasterPozzolith 324N work?

MasterPozzolith 324N is a powerful plasticizer based on lignosulphonate that disperses and deflocculates the cement particles within a concrete mix. It improves workability without adding extra water and allows reductions in the free water content of the concrete mix.

MasterPozzolith 324N is highly versatile in use and is effective over a wide range of mix designs and cement contents. It complies with ASTM C-494 Type A & D and is WRC Approved for contact with potable water.

What is MasterPozzolith 324N used for?

MasterPozzolith 324N is used to increase and extend workability, increase compressive strength and bring cement economies. The wide dosage range of MasterPozzolith 324N enables water reduction to produce a dense concrete with reduced permeability and water penetration. MasterPozzolith 324N is also used in areas of congested reinforcement where high workability is beneficial, wherever reduced water content is desirable, and in hot weather to extend workability.

What are the benefits of MasterPozzolith 324N?

MasterPozzolith 324N offers the following benefits:

  • Significantly improves the worka​bility of concrete, reducing placing time

  • Improves concrete’s cohesiveness, helping to reduce segregation and bleed

  • Allows water reduction while maintaining workability, increasing strength, durability and impermeability

  • Enables economies in mix design

  • Improves strengths in mixes containing PFA, GGBFS and micro-silica blends

  • Superior finishing characteristics for flatwork and cast surfaces

  • Effective as a singular admixture or as a component in a Pozzolith admixture system

  • Helps prevent plastic shrinkage cracking

  • Improved cohesion

  • Makes mixes more responsive to vibration


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