MasterGlenium SKY

MasterGlenium SKY 544

High range water reducing admixture for concrete

How does MasterGlenium SKY 544 work?

MasterGlenium SKY 544 is an innovative second-generation superplasticizer based on polycarboxylic ether (PCE) polymers. It is derived directly from the Total Performance Control concept. MasterGlenium SKY 544 is specially engineered for ready-mix concrete. Its particular configuration allows its delayed adsorption onto the cement particles and disperses them efficiently.
As compared with other PCE superplasticizers, it is possible to obtain a high quality concrete mix with accelerated strength development and extended workability without delayed setting characteristics.
The Total Performance Control concept ensures that ready-mix producers, contractors and engineers get a concrete that is of the same high quality as originally specified; starting from production at the batching plant, to the delivery and application into place, and followed by its hardening process. Utilizing Rheodynamic concrete technology it provides a concrete mix with exceptional placing characteristics and accelerated cement hydration for early strength development and high-quality concrete.

What is MasterGlenium SKY 544 used for?

MasterGlenium SKY 544 is used for the production of high quality ready-mix concrete. MasterGlenium SKY 544 may be used in combination with MasterMatrix admixtures for producing Rheodynamic concrete, capable of self-compaction, even in the presence of dense reinforcement.

What are the benefits of MasterGlenium SKY 544?

MasterGlenium SKY 544 offers the following benefits for:

The ready-mix producer:

  • Capability of delivering high quality concrete at any time to the job site in place.

  • Production of a concrete with low water cement ratio that meets EN 206-1 without loss of workability.

  • Single product for many application needs.

The contractor / applicator:

  • Easier placing and faster strength development.

  • Improved concrete surfaces.

  • Guarantee to place the same concrete as specified and ordered from ready-mix plant.

  • More versatile and forgiving concrete mix.

The engineer:

  • Insurance that concrete meets original specification.

  • High quality concrete with better durability.