
MasterFinish DF 880

Concrete defoamer for high-quality architectural concrete

The entrainment of uncontrolled air into concrete decreases both its quality and performance. Using a defoamer prevents and removes large voids at the concrete’s surface to address this problem. MasterFinish DF 880 is used to manufacture architectural quality concrete to achieve a largely void-free concrete surface. It is particularly suitable for self-compacting (SCC) and flowing concretes.

How does MasterFinish DF 880 work?

MasterFinish DF 880 is a highly effective defoamer that reduces the air voids inherent in concrete’s manufacturing process. It also helps reduce the air voids created during placement and compaction, significantly reducing the formation of air voids on the concrete’s surface.

How to use MasterFinish DF 880?

To achieve the optimal effect, add MasterFinish DF 880 after 70% of the mixing water and any other admixtures. It should never be added to a dry mix. We recommend a wet mixing time of 75-120 seconds for the best performance, depending on the type of mixer and its efficiency.

We recommend conducting field trials to determine the optimum addition rates of MasterFinish DF 880. The typical dosage rate range of MasterFinish DF 880 is:

  • ​By volume: 0.103 to 0.31 litres per 100 kg of cement (binder)

  • By mass: 0.10 to 0.30 kg per 100 kg of cement (binder)

These rates are for typical usages, and are not absolute limits – other dosages may be employed in special cases according to specific job conditions following verification by either production or laboratory trials before use.

MasterFinish DF 880 is not compatible with air-entrained concretes.​


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