
MasterCO2re 5700

What is MasterCO2re 5700

MasterCO2re 5700 is an innovative superplasticizer, based on the Intelligent Cluster System (ICS) Technology, developed in the R&D Laboratories of Master Builders Solutions. Ideal for making precast elements with highly-fluid concrete without segregation. This technology allows low water/cement ratios and consequently, high early and final strengths. MasterCO2re 5700 combines the performances of fluidification, extended workability retention with superior rheology, in one single solution.

Areas of Application

MasterCO2re 5700 is especially engineered for precast concrete applications providing fluid consistency and for self-compacting concrete, to impart exceptional rheological properties and ensure exceptional workability retention, in all curing conditions.

Features and Benefits

Unmatched robustness: With rapidly changing cement types and binder compositions, the stability and quality consistency of concrete is a challenge in the daily operations of concrete plants. MasterCO2re 5700 successfully counteracts the potential of high-water absorption and other undesirable effects caused by the variation in chemical and mineralogical composition of the binders.

Advanced rheology: concrete with MasterCO2re 5700 has lower viscosity allowing easier placement, passing ability and resistance to segregation. Thanks to this superior rheology, the content of water can be further reduced without compromising the stability even in concrete mixes with reduced clinker amount.

Extended workability retention: thanks to the Intelligent Cluster System technology, MasterCO2re 5700 releases the polymer over time, ensuring consistent flowability and workability during the transportation and placing of concrete. MasterCO2re 5700 offers the solution 365 days a year, as the workability retention is achieved without retardation in setting and hardening.

Excellent strength properties: MasterCO2re 5700 promotes the formation of a denser and more homogeneous structure of cement hydrates, which is reflected into optimal strengths development.


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