
MasterCO2re 1000

High range water reducing admixture for low clinker concrete production

What is MasterCO2re 1000​

MasterCO2re 1000 is an innovative versatile admixture based on polycarboxylic ether (PCE) polymers.  MasterCO2re 1000 is specially engineered for the ready-mix concrete market to be used with limestone cements and other low clinker cement systems.

Areas of Application

MasterCO2re 1000 can be used for the production of all grades of concrete from high quality to low specification ready-mix concrete. The product is specifically designed to be used within systems where a lower cement contents are required whilst emparting enhanced rheology normally associated with higher cement content mix designs. This allows for improved placement capabilities of the concrete.

Features and Benefits

MasterCO2re 1000 offers the following benefits for:

The Ready-mix Producer:

  • Capability of delivering high quality concrete at any time to the job site in place.

  • Production of a concrete with low water cement ratio that meets EN 206-1 without loss of workability.

  • Single product for most applications from everyday water reducing to Self-compacting Concrete.

The Contractor / Applicator

  • ​Easier placing.

  • Improved concrete surfaces and finishing.

  • Guarantee to place the same concrete as specified and ordered from ready-mix plant.

  • More versatile and forgiving concrete mix.

The Engineer:

  • ​Insurance that the concrete meets original specification.

  • High quality concrete with better durability


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