Onshore Wind Foundation Solutions

Harburnhead Wind Farm

Admixture solutions used in the concrete foundations of new onshore wind turbines


LDV Harburnhead Ltd

Main contractor:

Farrans Construction

Concrete producer:

Aggregate Industries

The challenge

Site access was granted in December, and given the challenging ground conditions, the programme was extremely tight. Turbine deliveries were to commence in March, Civils works were planned for completion by July, and turbine erection was to be completed by August, ready for the energisation date of September.

All aggregates had to be imported to the site due to the lack of suitable on site materials, which introduced a huge logistical challenge in order to meet the key programme completion dates. Any substandard material imports or supply problems would have caused major site issues, but these potential problems did not arise, and the project was completed on programme.

Our solution

Due to prohibited direct access on the site using the nearby A71, which added 10 miles to the journey to the Duntilland plant, the team faced a complicated logistics challenge. To overcome part of this challenge, Master Builders Solutions MasterGlenium High range water reducing admixture was chosen to maintain the consistency level of the concrete mix, which guarantees to place the same concrete as specified and ordered from the ready-mix plant after such a long journey.

With the tight timetable, 12 truckmixers and two plants were used to complete the turbine base pours in an allocated 12-hour window, whereby, for the bulk of the contract, two turbine bases were poured per week. In total, the team supplied over 10,436m3 of concrete.