Onshore Wind Foundation Solutions

Arecleoch Wind Farm

Admixture solutions used in the concrete foundations of new onshore wind turbines


Scottish Power

Main contractor:

Farrans Construction

Concrete producer:

Barr Quarries

The challenge

Initially there was only a single access to the site through a 2.5m wide stone railway arch. Access and deliveries were monitored by Network Rail to ensure that no damage occurred to the arch structure. Having negotiated this, a further 2.5 miles of stone track was added to reach the site compound. To provide an access route for turbine deliveries, a new railway over-bridge was constructed at a location along the main access road.

This upgraded a 20km stretch of the existing forestry road network and all turbine component deliveries used the route to avoid passing through the local village of Barrhill and under the railway arch.

Three foundation pours were scheduled to be completed each week, even with the difficult access above and the concrete required had a low water/cement ratio that met the requirements of BS EN 206-1 without loss of workability.

Our solution

The concrete for the project, which came from local supplier Barr Quarries, used Master Builders Solutions admixture MasterGlenium, a versatile admixture suitable for delivering high quality ready-mixed concrete at any time to the job site.

At the height of the project, Barr Quarries supplied over 1000m3 of concrete a week, enabling the site team to pour three of the 350m3 reinforced concrete foundations each week.