Ethics & Compliance

What we stand for
At Master Builders Solutions, integrity and compliance are paramount. Our Code of Conduct guides our actions, ensuring adherence to laws and regulations. We use a risk-oriented compliance management system (CMS) focusing on prevention, detection, and response to misconduct. Our SpeakUp channel allows employees and business partners to report issues anonymously, operating 24/7 with confidentiality.
We are strictly committed to preventing and fighting corruption of any kind, and we expect our business partners to act in the same way.
Human Trafficking
We are determined to stand against modern slavery and human trafficking. Please see our statement to this extent here.
We uphold the highest standards of integrity, strictly adhering to laws and regulations. This protects our reputation and builds trust with clients and partners. By operating responsibly, we drive long-term success and positively impact communities.
Carsten Hennicke, Chief Compliance Officer