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- MasterPozzolith 400
MasterPozzolith 400
Polymer-Based Water-Reducing Admixture for Economical Premix and Precast Applications
How Does MasterPozzolith 400 Work?
MasterPozzolith 400 is a versatile, robust, and neutral set water-reducing admixture based on specially formulated polymers. The product has been primarily developed to be an economical alternative to basic admixtures for premixed and precast applications with target slumps of 80 – 120 mm. This product has been designed to capture the benefits of strong dispersion and robust characteristics derived from the polymers. MasterPozzolith 400 contains no added chlorides and is compatible with all main types of cements and supplementary cementitious materials. It can be used in combination with other Master Builders Solutions admixtures to achieve the desired set times in cold as well as hot weather conditions. MasterPozzolith 400 conforms to AS 1478 Type WR.

Recommended Uses:
All types of concrete where a non-chloride water-reducing admixture is required. e.g., foundations, slabs, driveways, floor slabs, etc.
Improving the performance of both pumped and conventionally placed concrete.
Applications where a superior mix of rheology, easier screeding, and finishing are required.
Mixes where optimum efficiency of mix water content and workability are required.
What Are the Unique Features of MasterPozzolith 400?
MasterPozzolith 400 enhances the overall performance in terms of water reduction, slump retention, mix rheology, and compressive strength. This admixture is ideal for lean and normal concrete mixes.
What Are the Benefits of MasterPozzolith 400?
Good dispersion in normal concrete mixes
Linear water reduction with increasing dosage
Improved workability retention at higher temperatures
Improved pumpability resulting in lower pump operating pressures
Normal setting characteristics under cool conditions allow earlier finishing
Reduced water content for a given workability