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- MasterPolyheed 8820
MasterPolyheed 8820
New Generation, Normal to Mid-Range Water Reducer with Superior Slump Retention, Pumping, and Finishing
How Does MasterPolyheed 8820 Work?
MasterPolyheed 8820 is a multi-component, non-chloride, normal to mid-range water-reducing admixture designed to improve the performance of concrete both in the plastic and hardened states. It is added to the initial batch of water at the batching plant.

Recommended Uses:
All types of concrete where a non-chloride water-reducing admixture is required, especially in the normal to mid-range slump band
Improving the performance of pumped concrete, shotcrete, and conventionally placed concrete
Improving the performance of plain, reinforced, precast, lightweight, or standard-weight concrete
Use in white or coloured concrete
Use in architectural concrete, especially where off-form and/or surface finish is critical
Use in concrete containing harsh aggregates and/or manufactured sand
What Makes MasterPolyheed 8820 a Unique Solution?
MasterPolyheed 8820 is a versatile admixture able to produce and maintain mid-range slumps for extended periods without retardation. Its formulation contains materials able to improve the concrete’s workability and finishability.
What Are the Benefits of MasterPolyheed 8820?
In the Plastic State:
Normal setting characteristics throughout the recommended dose range
Reduced segregation, particularly in lean mixes and mid-slump concrete
Superior slump retention
Improved workability
Improved pumpability
Reduced water content for a given workability
Enhanced finishability
In the Hardened Concrete:
No added chlorides, conforms to the most stringent chloride ion limits including AS3600 concrete structures code, will not initiate or promote the corrosion of reinforcing steel
Increased strength – compressive, flexural, and bond (concrete to steel)
Superior finished appearance
Increased density and durability
Reduced permeability – improved water tightness
Reduced cracking
Reduced shrinkage and creep