
MasterRoc MP 356

General Purpose Rigid Polyurethane Foam for Pour-In-Place Applications in Wet and Dry Conditions

How Does MasterRoc MP 356 Work?

MasterRoc MP 356 is a two-part system and general-purpose rigid polyurethane foam for pour-in-place applications.

Recommended Uses:
  • Stabilising coal

  • Consolidation of fractured rock, sands, and gravels and landfill materials

  • Repair of concrete cracks

Not Recommended For:
  • Water stopping. If water stopping is required, please contact Master Builders Solutions.

What Are the Unique Features of MasterRoc MP 356?

MasterRoc MP 356 is a fast-reacting material applied where strength and flexibility are required in wet and dry conditions.

What Are the Benefits of MasterRoc MP 356?
  • MasterRoc MP 356 reacts and expands its volume without being in contact with water, foam factor 3

  • Penetrates cracks wider than 0.15mm

  • When in contact with water, the foam factor may increase to about 8