
MasterRoc MF 701

Non-Chloride Admixture for High-Performance Backfill by Stabilising Setting Times

How Does MasterRoc MF 701 Work?

MasterRoc MF 701 is a ready-to-use, non-chloride liquid admixture used for making more uniform and predictable high-performance backfill. It can be used to stabilise cement slurries for cemented rock fills, and hydraulic, and paste backfills.

Recommended Uses:
  • Stabilisation of cement slurries for cemented rock fills

  • Stabilisation of paste, high-density, and hydraulic fills

What Are the Unique Features of MasterRoc MF 701?

MasterRoc MF 701 admixture retards or stabilises setting time by controlling the hydration of Portland cement and other cementitious materials to facilitate pumping and placing operations.

What Are the Benefits of MasterRoc MF 701?
  • Reduced water content leads to higher in-situ compressive strengths

  • Controlled setting time characteristics

  • Improved slump flow characteristics

  • A longer working material (open time)

  • Provides flexibility in the scheduling of backfilling operations

  • Dramatically reduces the potential of pipe blockages due to control of cement hydration and setting time

  • Up to 25% increase in batches per day & up to 45% decrease in flushing of pipes

  • Provides the opportunity for “Hot Change” between shifts

  • Reduces piping replacement costs

  • Reduces pressure losses and allows longer transportation distances

  • Improved reliability of fill delivery and increased production

  • Increased compressive strength

  • Mix optimisation and/or cost savings by binder reduction (cement/slag cement/fly ash)

  • Cleaner mixing and agitator tanks