MasterRoc MF 501
High-Performance Plasticizing and Water-Reducing Admixture for Mine Backfill Mixes
How Does MasterRoc MF 501 Work?
MasterRoc MF 501 admixture is a liquid, water-reducing admixture used to enhance backfill properties.

Recommended Uses:
Paste fill
High-density fill
Cemented rockfill
Hydraulic fill
What Are the Benefits of MasterRoc MF 501?
Reduces the water content of backfill materials leading to higher in-situ strengths
Improves slump and flow properties
Increases in-place strength at all ages
Normal setting time and rate of hardening
Reduces pumping and distribution pressures
Mix optimisation and/or cost savings by binder reduction (cement/slag cement/fly ash)
Enhances workability (rheological properties) in all types of backfills, requiring less water
Reduces segregation of high-density slurries
Reduces permeability and shrinkage in hardened fill
Potentially reduces cycle time and increases production