
MasterSeal 909

Re-Injectable Hose System for Construction Joints in Concrete

How Does MasterSeal 909 Work?

MasterSeal 909 is an advanced injection hose system for installation in construction joints, ready for subsequent injection of cementitious or polymeric compounds to ensure watertightness. It is not affected by low temperatures and immersion in water.

Recommended Uses:

MasterSeal 909 is recommended for use in construction joints in all structures that need to be injected to waterproof them, such as:

  • Water retaining structures

  • Tunnels and basements

  • Buildings, bridge decks, and other similar structures

MasterSeal 909 is not recommended for use in expansion joints and in areas prone to significant settlements.

What Are the Unique Features of MasterSeal 909?

Installation allows testing for water leaks – pre-injection with water shows areas of leakage and avoids unnecessary injection.

What Are the Benefits of MasterSeal 909?
  • The hose is re-injectable – permits re-injection if leakage persists or reappears at a later date

  • Neoprene strips act as "one-way valves" – prevent injection material from returning even under back pressure, allowing for the hose to be cleaned and ready for later use

  • Solid inner core – does not collapse under concrete pressure and allows smooth flow of injected material

  • Chemically inert – does not deteriorate even if exposed to such injection materials as polyurethanes, vinyl esters, epoxies, and cement

  • Flexible – easy installation at corners without cutting and jointing