
MasterRoc TSL 865

Spray-Applied Polymer Membrane for Rock and Coal Protection

How Does MasterRoc TSL 865 Work?

MasterRoc TSL 865 is a single-component polymer powder for spray application onto soil and rock for reinforcement or weathering protection. Through good bonds to most substrates, high elasticity, and high tensile strength, the ground stability and stand-up time are improved. Sprayed concrete can be applied against the membrane as soon as it has set.

Recommended Uses:
  • Stabilisation of soil and rock

  • A possible alternative to mesh/screen protection with or without bolts

  • Preliminary slope protection binding the surface before the area is ready for sprayed concrete

  • Pillar/rib support

  • Helps to reduce hard-rock strain bursting

  • Rehabilitation of collapsed areas

  • Vent stopping

  • Water retention pond liners

What Are the Benefits of MasterRoc TSL 865?
  • No toxic components

  • No classification is needed for transport

  • Ready for use

  • Fast setting (within five minutes) and gains tensile strength during the following hours, days, and weeks

  • Good bond to concrete, rock, and coal

  • Spray application by simple equipment

  • Rapid set-up; allows stop and start at any time; easily cleaned with minimal waste

  • Reduces air-slaking and rock weathering