
MasterRoc RBA 380

Highly Reactive, Fire-Resistant Thixotropic Polyurea Silicate Injection Resin for Rock Bolting

How Does MasterRoc RBA 380 Work?

MasterRoc RBA 380 is a fast-reacting, two-component, instantly thickening, solvent-free polyurea silicate injection resin specifically designed for rock bolting.

Recommended Uses:
  • Resin-into-bolt rock bolting at all angles

  • Bolt-into-resin rock bolting at all angles

  • For the use of steel and glass fibre bolts

What Are the Unique Features of MasterRoc RBA 380?

Due to its thixotropic behaviour, overhead applications are possible without additional sealing.

What Are the Benefits of MasterRoc RBA 380?
  • Secure and precise injection due to its thixotropic properties

  • Flexibility in application due to its unique thixotropic properties and long-distance pumping capacity

  • Increased reliability due to its full-size grouting

  • Mixes easily even in low temperatures > 5°C

  • High structural strength combined with flexibility

  • Injected material shows good adhesion to damp and low-friction substrates

  • Neither expands its volume with water nor absorbs water

  • Keeps people safe during bolting due to its fast curing and strength development