
MasterRoc MP 768TIX

Highly Reactive, Thixotropic, Fire-Resistant Polyurea Silicate Injection Resin for Ground Consolidation and Concrete Repair

How Does MasterRoc MP 768TIX Work?

MasterRoc MP 768TIX is a fast-reacting, thixotropic two-component, solvent-free polyurea silicate injection resin, specifically designed for rapid ground consolidation in strata with open cracks at the surface. It is also suitable for concrete repair.

Recommended Uses:
  • Consolidation of fractured rock in underground structures

  • Sealing against gas and water

  • Stabilisation of face headings

  • Sealing of cracks in walls and roofs

  • Concrete repair

What Makes MasterRoc MP 768TIX a Unique Solution?

The thixotropic behaviour prevents uncured resin from flowing out of the fissures.

What Are the Benefits of MasterRoc MP 768TIX?
  • Good adhesion to concrete and rock strata

  • Mixes easily even in low temperatures > 5°C

  • Compressive strength of > 35 MPa

  • Immediate thixotropic behaviour after mixing

  • High structural strength combined with flexibility

  • Injected material shows good adhesion to damp and low-friction substrates

  • Neither expands its volume with water nor absorbs water