
MasterRoc MP 230CLN

Flushing and Preservation Agent for PU Injection Pumping Equipment

How Does MasterRoc MP 230CLN Work?

MasterRoc MP 230CLN is an organic-based solvent that is free of water and is perfectly suitable for cleaning injection pumps, lines, and other associated equipment. MasterRoc MP 230CLN can be used to flush out the residues of uncured liquid polyurethane and polyurea silicate injection grouts in order to clean the injection pumps, hoses, nozzles, and other associated equipment. MasterRoc MP 230CLN is suitable for both single-component and two-component injection equipment.

What Are the Benefits of MasterRoc MP 230CLN?
  • Effective for polyurethane and polyurea silicate-based injection materials

  • Rust-proofing

  • Made with organic, non-hazardous materials

  • Flash point higher than 200°C

  • Extends the service life and reduces the maintenance rates of equipment

  • Environmentally preferable and safe for users