
MasterRoc MF 505C

Concentrated Polymer Admixture for Improving Cementitious Mining Backfill with High Clay Content

How Does MasterRoc MF 505C Work?

MasterRoc MF 505C is a liquid admixture for making better, more uniform, and more predictable higher-quality cementitious backfill mixes.

Recommended Uses:
  • Paste fill

  • High-density fill

  • Cemented aggregates and rockfill

  • Hydraulic fill

  • Uncemented fill with higher clay contents

What Are the Unique Features of MasterRoc MF 505C?

MasterRoc MF 505C has greater pumpability with superior rheology.

How Will You Enjoy the Benefits of MasterRoc MF 505C?

MasterRoc MF 505C admixture aids in the production of backfill mixes with these special qualities:

  • Reduced water content for a given consistency

  • Can increase strength – compressive and flexural

  • Greater economy in a mix designed for a given strength, slump, and air content

  • Easier placement – economy in placement

  • Increased durability

  • Potential cost savings

  • Effective with high clay content mixes

  • Reduces pumping pressure and shear viscosity of the fill