Backfill Technologies To Improve Efficiencies of Mine Operations
MasterRoc’s range of mine backfill technologies have been developed to provide the ideal balance of high early strength and sustainable long-term strength, ensuring dimensional stability after placement by meeting (or exceeding) design fill performance requirements.
Divided into three distinct product categories, Master Builders Solutions’ range of backfill admixtures includes specialised rheology modifiers, hydration control, and durability enhancers that can be used alone or in combination to improve backfill durability.

We push back the conventional physical limits with our innovative technologies such as hydration control, water reducers, superplasticisers, viscosity-modifying admixtures (VMAs), and more. Depending on our customers’ requirements, we can control and achieve retardation, acceleration, rheology control, modified viscosity, reduced yield stress and pumping pressures. Furthermore, we can stabilise fines in the fill matrix and reduce slime runoff, segregation, and porosity, enhance strength development, and optimise binder content.
MasterRoc MF 501
High-Performance Plasticizing and Water-Reducing Admixture for Mine Backfill Mixes
MasterRoc MF 504
High-Performance Dispersing Admixture for Mine Backfill Mixes
MasterRoc MF 505C
Concentrated Polymer Admixture for Improving Cementitious Mining Backfill with High Clay Content
MasterRoc MF 506
Liquid Admixture to Improve Mining Backfill by Retarding Setting Time for Easier Transport, Pumping, and Curing
MasterRoc MF 701
Non-Chloride Admixture for High-Performance Backfill by Stabilising Setting Times
MasterRoc MF 705
High performance backfill admixture
MasterRoc MF 903
High performance dispersing admixture for mine backfill mixes
MasterRoc MG 46
Low to medium density foaming grout
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