Underground Construction Solutions for Tunnelling and Mining
Our Comprehensive Portfolio for the Mining & Tunnelling Industry
The MasterRoc product range is comprised of market-leading innovations and application expertise for the tunnelling and mining industries. Our reliable, customer-focused solutions include several outstanding technologies:
Sprayed concrete: performance enhancers including accelerators, fibres, slump retainers, and plasticizers.
Sprayable bonded waterproofing membranes that form a unique and integral part of composite tunnel lining designs.
Injection and membrane technologies deliver safety, economy and performance to the mining and tunnelling industries.
Leading range of chemical technologies that ensures the safe and economical operation of tunnel boring machines.

What Makes MasterRoc Unique?
The MasterRoc product range is designed to be a single source for all of our customers’ underground construction needs. In addition to a wide range of products, our globally connected team assists our customers in selecting the right products and systems, providing the best, most cost-effective and complete solutions based on innovation and technology, allowing our customers to operate successfully and to the highest safety standards.
Global underground construction expertise
The MasterRoc product range, supported by Master Builders Solutions global underground construction experts, is a world leader in the provision of reliable solutions that are focused on the needs of tunnelling and mining engineers, owners and contractors. By connecting with our customers from project start-ups, we provide solutions ranging from product selection to training and application consultancy.
To learn more about our tunnelling & mining solutions you can select from the range below.
The MasterRoc product range
MasterRoc ACP 143
Anti-Clay Polymer for Earth Pressure Tunnel Boring Machine
MasterRoc ABR 5
Liquid Anti-Abrasion Agent for TBMs to Minimise Cutterhead Clogging and Dust
MasterRoc TSG 9
Tail Sealant for Shielded Tunnel Boring Machines (TBM)
MasterRoc TSG 800
Fire-Resistant Tail Sealant for Underground Construction
MasterRoc TSG 7
Tail Sealant for Shielded Tunnel Boring Machines (TBM)
MasterRoc TSG 6
Tail Sealant for Shielded Tunnel Boring Machines (TBM)
MasterRoc FLC 100
Chloride-Free Powder Admixture for Protecting Post-Tensioned Cables in Prestressed Concrete
MasterRoc MG 04
High Strength Flowable Grout for Long Strand Cables and Strata Binding
MasterRoc MG 03
High Strength Flowable Grout for Long Strand Cables and Strata Binding
MasterRoc RBA 380
Highly Reactive, Fire-Resistant Thixotropic Polyurea Silicate Injection Resin for Rock Bolting
MasterRoc MG 01
High-Yield Thixotropic Cable Bolt Grout, Shrinkage Compensated for Civil Tunnels and Underground Mines
MasterRoc MP 230CLN
Flushing and Preservation Agent for PU Injection Pumping Equipment
MasterRoc MP 323
Solvent-Free Hydrophilic Grout for Rock Injection and Sandy & Silty Strata Consolidation
MasterRoc MP 356
General Purpose Rigid Polyurethane Foam for Pour-In-Place Applications in Wet and Dry Conditions
MasterRoc MP 368
Highly Reactive, Fire-Resistant Two-Component Polyurea Silicate Injection Resin for Ground Consolidation
MasterRoc MP 368 TIX
Highly Reactive, Thixotropic, Fire-Resistant Polyurea Silicate Injection Resin for Ground Consolidation and Concrete Crack Repair
MasterRoc MP 640S
Microfine Cement for Injection into Rock and Soil
MasterRoc MP 768TIX
Highly Reactive, Thixotropic, Fire-Resistant Polyurea Silicate Injection Resin for Ground Consolidation and Concrete Repair
MasterRoc MP 350
One-Component Water Sealing Injection Resin for Cracks and Fissures in Concrete and Rock
MasterRoc MP 367 Foam
Highly Reactive Polyurea Silicate Injection Foam for Filling and Ground Consolidation
MasterRoc MP 355
Highly-Reactive, Two-Component Polyurethane Injection Resin
MasterRoc MP 900S
Ultrafine Cement for Injection into Rock and Soil
MasterRoc MF 505C
Concentrated Polymer Admixture for Improving Cementitious Mining Backfill with High Clay Content
MasterRoc MF 505C
Concentrated Polymer Admixture for Improving Cementitious Mining Backfill with High Clay Content
MasterRoc MF 504
High-Performance Dispersing Admixture for Mine Backfill Mixes
MasterRoc MF 506
Liquid Admixture to Improve Mining Backfill by Retarding Setting Time for Easier Transport, Pumping, and Curing
MasterRoc MF 705
High performance backfill admixture
MasterRoc MF 903
High performance dispersing admixture for mine backfill mixes
MasterRoc MG 46
Low to medium density foaming grout
MasterRoc MF 501
High-Performance Plasticizing and Water-Reducing Admixture for Mine Backfill Mixes
MasterRoc MF 701
Non-Chloride Admixture for High-Performance Backfill by Stabilising Setting Times
MasterRoc HCA 20
Chemical Admixture to Control and Suspend Cement Hydration
MasterRoc HCA 30
Chemical, Non-Dangerous Cement Hydration Control Admixture
MasterRoc SA 160
Alkali-free, Liquid High-Performance Set Accelerator for Sprayed Concrete
MasterRoc SA 167
High-Performance Alkali-Free Set Accelerator for Durable, Rapid Sprayed Concrete Applications
MasterRoc SA 178
Alkali-Free Liquid Set Accelerator for Sprayed Concrete
MasterRoc STS 10
Cementitious-Based Shotcrete Mix for Sprayed Applications
MasterRoc MF 702
High-Performance Backfill Admixture
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