
Corrosion & Chemical Resistance Solutions

Coatings and Corrosion Inhibitors

The MasterProtect system includes a range of corrosion inhibitors, high-performance water repellents, and chemical-resistant coatings that counter challenging weather conditions, environmental contaminants, and corrosive elements.

The MasterProtect System Support Offers the Most Cost-Effective Solution

By diagnosing the right products to protect against the ingress of carbon dioxide, water, and chloride ions from the start, MasterProtect products significantly enhance your structure's value and service life and avoid further deterioration and spalling.

Anti-Carbonation Coatings: Provide advanced, long-term protection of concrete structures and steel reinforcements against the ingress of carbon dioxide, chlorides, and water.

Chemical-Resistant Coatings: Provide impervious, resilient protection for concrete structures and steel reinforcements that are exposed to chemical contaminants.

Hydrophobisation and Impregnation: High-quality specialty products for both normal and reinforced concrete. These products act as water repellents and maintain the original appearance of the substrate, allowing moisture vapour to escape while sealing and protecting concrete for years to come.

Cathodic Protection: Leading-edge corrosion protection for the concrete's steel reinforcement
