
MasterFlow 4500

High-Performance Cementitious Grout for Precision Grouting Applications

How Does MasterFlow 4500 Work?

MasterFlow 4500 is a high-performance, non-shrink, precision grout designed for various grouting applications. This grout offers high early and ultimate strengths, making it ideal for critical applications where precise alignment and load transfer are essential.

Recommended Uses:
  • Precision grouting of baseplates, soleplates, and columns

  • Grouting of machinery and equipment foundations

  • Structural grouting of precast elements

  • Grouting of wind turbine bases and other dynamic load-bearing applications

  • Applications requiring high early compressive strengths and high ultimate compressive strengths

What Makes MasterFlow 4500 a Unique Solution?

MasterFlow 4500 is specially formulated to provide superior performance in precision grouting applications. Its advanced formulation ensures excellent flowability, high strength, and durability even under demanding conditions.

What Are the Benefits of MasterFlow 4500?
  • High early strength – ensures rapid commissioning of new equipment and structures

  • High ultimate strength – provides long-term durability and load-bearing capacity

  • Non-shrink – hardens free of bleeding, settlement, and drying shrinkage when placed at flowable consistency

  • Flowable consistency – ensures complete filling of intricate voids and spaces

  • Extended working time – facilitates grouting of large or complex placements in a single pour

  • Excellent bond strength – provides strong adhesion to concrete and steel surfaces

  • Resistance to dynamic loads – suitable for applications subjected to vibration and repetitive loading

  • Easy to use – requires no special mixing equipment, it can be mixed in a standard concrete mixer or in a pail using a grout stirrer

  • Compliance with codes – meets the non-shrink requirements of ASTM C1090 and CRD-C 621, Corps of Engineers Specification for Non-Shrink Grout; tested to the requirements of AS1478.2 “Methods of sampling and testing admixtures for concrete, mortar, and grout”