
MasterEase 3000

Low-viscosity Concrete Admixture that Improves Pumpability for Faster Mixing and Discharge

How Does MasterEase 3000 Work?

MasterEase 3000 is a unique and versatile admixture designed to impart exceptional rheological properties by lowering the viscosity and yield stress of fresh concrete. MasterEase 3000 facilitates faster mixing and discharge of concrete. It considerably improves the pumpability of concrete by reducing pumping pressures. MasterEase 3000 also makes it easier to place and finish concrete.

Recommended Uses:
  • Pre-mixed concrete

  • Piling concrete

  • Post-tensioned concrete

  • Precast & prestressed concrete

  • Self-Compacting & Super Workable Concrete

  • High & Ultra High Strength concrete

  • High Performance Concrete

  • Shotcrete

  • Mixes containing manufactured sands, slag, silica fume, synthetic & steel fibres

What Are the Unique Features of MasterEase 3000?

MasterEase 3000 is based on innovative and patented polymer technology developed by Master Builders Solutions.
Its action differs from traditional polymers to the extent that the adsorption of MasterEase 3000 on the binder particles is provided by a chemical bond which does not impede the flow of concrete. This innovation significantly improves the rheological behaviour of concrete treated with MasterEase 3000 resulting in lower viscosity and yield stress coupled with improved workability retention.

What Are the Benefits of MasterEase 3000?
  • Faster mixing of concrete in dry & wet batching processes

  • Quicker discharge from agitator trucks, central mixers, kibbles & chutes

  • Reduces pumping pressure for horizontal & vertical applications

  • Good response to vibration & compaction

  • Ease of concrete placing & finishing

  • Improved surface finish

  • Enhanced durability

  • Achieves approximately 8% water reduction at the nominal dose rate

  • Compatible with all types of binders, SCMs & mineral additions
