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MasterBrace 1444
Thixotropic Paste Epoxy Binder and Adhesive Used to Repair or Bond Various Materials and Surfaces
MasterBrace 1446
Thixotropic Epoxy Mortar for Bonding Precast Elements and Segments
MasterBrace 4000
Epoxy Resin Adhesive For the MasterBrace Laminate System
MasterBrace 4500
High Strength Epoxy Resin Used to Saturate MasterBrace Fabric Sheets to Form In-situ FRP Composite
MasterBrace Laminate
Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) System for Structural Strengthening of Concrete and Timber Structures
MasterBrace MBar
Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer System for Structural Strengthening
MasterBrace P 3500
Epoxy Primer Used on Concrete Prior to MasterBrace Laminate System Application
2 products
MasterEmaco 2525
Solvent Free Epoxy Binder and Structural Adhesive
MasterEmaco N 102CI
Cementitious, Trowel applied, Lightweight Polymer Repair Mortar with Corrosion Inhibition
MasterEmaco N 5100
Cementitious Polymer Modified Thin Layer Fairing Mortar for Levelling Damaged Concrete Surfaces
MasterEmaco N 5200CI
Fast-setting, Polymer-modified, Fiber-reinforced Mortar with Corrosion Inhibition for Concrete Repair
MasterEmaco P 157
SBR Polymer Based Bonding and Modifying Agent for Concrete and Mortars
MasterEmaco P 5000AP
Single Component, Cement Based, Multi-Use, Bonding and Active Protective Primer
MasterEmaco S 488CI
Structural Repair Mortar with Active Corrosion Inhibition Which Provides High Bond to Steel and Concrete
MasterEmaco S 5400CI
High-Strength Fibre-Reinforced Shrinkage-Compensated Repair Mortar with Corrosion Inhibition
MasterEmaco S 5440CI
Flowable Structural Repair Mortar with Corrosion Inhibition to Reduce Shrinkage and Cracking
MasterEmaco S 620
High Alumina Hand-Applied Repair Mortar for Sewer and Acid/Abrasion Resistance
MasterEmaco S 680
Cementitious Spray-Applied Repair Mortar Using Dry Shotcrete Systems for Aggressive Environments
MasterEmaco S 682
Reduced Rebound Cement-Based Shotcrete Mix for Sewer Repair and Acid Abrasion Resistance
MasterEmaco S 820CI
Spray-Applied Repair Mortar with Reduced Rebound and Corrosion Inhibition
MasterEmaco S 822CI
Spray-Applied Cementitious Repair Mortar for Cathodic Protection in Civil and Mining Applications
MasterEmaco S 902
Cementitious Rapid Setting Repair Mortar with High Bond Strength for Underwater Repair
MasterEmaco T 2040
Rapid-Setting Repair Mortar for Industrial Flooring with Excellent Impact, Abrasion and Chemical Resistance
MasterEmaco T 545
Rapid setting trafficable repair mortar that sets in 15 minutes used for highway and heavy industrial repair jobs
MasterFiber 051
Fibrillated Polypropylene Fibre Micro-Reinforcement System
MasterFiber 141
65mm Polypropylene Fibre for Reinforcing Sprayed and Cast Concrete
MasterFiber 142
56mm Polypropylene Fibre for Reinforcing Sprayed and Cast Concrete
MasterFiber 143
Polypropylene Fibre for Reinforcing Sprayed and Cast Concrete
MasterFiber F 018
Fibrillated Micro Polypropylene Fibre for Concrete
MasterFiber M 018
Monofilament Micro Polypropylene Fibre for Concrete
MasterFinish 222
Chemical Release Agent for All Formwork Providing Excellent Finishes
MasterFinish 380
Surface Retarder for Exposing Aggregate in Horizontal Concrete Surfaces
MasterFinish 790
Air-Detraining Admixture for Concrete
MasterFinish CLN 820
Thixotropic Liquid Cleaning Agent with Corrosion Inhibition for Concrete Truck Agitator Barrels
MasterFinish MPT 215
Protective Agent for Machinery and Equipment
MasterFinish RL 211
Water-Based Surface Consolidation and Form Release Agent to Reduce Concrete Imperfections
MasterFinish RL 212
Water-Based Form Release Agent for Reducing Concrete Surface Imperfections
MasterFlow 4500
High-Performance Cementitious Grout for Precision Grouting Applications
MasterFlow 4600
Cementitious Non-Shrink Iron Reinforced Grout with Ultra-High Strength and Extended Working Time in High Temperatures
MasterFlow 618
Heavy-Duty Epoxy Resin Grout with Rapid Hardening Properties for Engineering Applications
MasterFlow 628
High-Performance Epoxy Resin Grout for Structural Applications in Adverse Weather
MasterFlow 648
High-strength, High-Temperature Epoxy Resin Grout with Adjustable Viscosity for Gas Transmission Industries
MasterFlow 700
Cementitious Non-Shrink Grout with Controlled Expansion for 10mm to 100mm Thickness
MasterFlow 788
Non-shrink, Cementitious Grout with High Washout Resistance for Underwater Applications
MasterFlow 810
Non-shrink, Precision Cementitious Grout for Use in General Civil Engineering Works
MasterFlow 815
Cementitious High-Strength Non-Shrink Precision Grout for Deep Pour Applications
MasterFlow 870
Non-shrink, Natural Aggregate Precision Grout with Excellent High Early and Ultimate Strengths
The Superplasticiser for Precast Concrete for Increased Productivity and Durability
2 products
The Superplasticiser for Ready-Mix Concrete for Total Performance Control
8 products
MasterGlenium SKY 8100
High Range Water Reducing & Superplasticising Admixture with Improved Slump Retention to Accelerate Cement Hydration
MasterGlenium SKY 8379
New Generation Polycarboxylic Ether Hyperplasticiser for High-Performance Concrete
MasterGlenium SKY 8379
New Generation Polycarboxylic Ether Hyperplasticiser for High Performance Concrete
MasterGlenium SKY 8455
Robust High-Range Water Reducing Admixture with Suretec for Premixed and Precast Applications
MasterGlenium SKY 8700
New Generation Superplasticising Admixture for Extended Slump Retention
MasterGlenium SKY 8703
New Generation High Range Water Reducing Admixture with Super Retaining Technology for Premix, Precast, and Shotcrete
MasterGlenium SKY 8708
New Generation High Range Water Reducing Admixture with Super Retaining Technology for Premix, Precast, and Shotcrete Applications
MasterGlenium SKY 8885
New Generation High Range Water Reducing Admixture with SURETEC for Premix and Precast
MasterKure 111
Evaporation Retardant and Finishing Aid to Slow Water Loss in Fresh Concrete
MasterKure 250
Water-Based Hydrocarbon Resin Curing Compound for Newly Placed Concrete
MasterKure 402
Solvent-Based Curing Compound and Sealer for Plain or Coloured Concrete Membranes
MasterKure 404
Water-Based Acrylic Copolymer Curing Compound and Sealer for Use on Plain or Coloured Concrete
MasterKure CC 100WB
Wax Emulsion Curing Compound Forming Flexible Film to Prevent Early-Stage Concrete Drying
MasterLife 2006
Powdered Corrosion-Inhibiting Concrete Admixture in a Degradable Bag for Easy Dosing
MasterLife 300D
Crystalline Capillary Waterproofing Admixture to Reduce Water Penetration in Concrete
MasterLife CI 30
Corrosion-Inhibiting Admixture for Steel Reinforced Concrete
MasterLife SF 100
Silica Fume Mineral Admixture to Increase Concrete Strength and Impermeability
MasterLife SRA 200
Liquid Chemical Admixture That Is Formulated to Reduce Drying Shrinkage and Cracking in Concrete
MasterMatrix 220
Rheology Modifying Additive for Concrete and Shotcrete
MasterMatrix 362
Ready-to-Use Viscosity Modifying Admixture for Enhanced Cement Rheology
MasterMatrix 614
A Performance Admixture for Aiding the Pumpability and Finishability of Concrete
MasterMatrix UW 440
Anti-Washout Admixture for Use in Underwater Concrete or Piling Applications
MasterPolyheed 8191
New Generation Robust PCE-Based Water Reducing and Set-Retarding Admixture
MasterPolyheed 8195
New Generation Mid-Range Water Reducer with Suretec (Super Retention Technology)
MasterPolyheed 8820
New Generation, Normal to Mid-Range Water Reducer with Superior Slump Retention, Pumping, and Finishing
MasterPolyheed 8830
New Generation Mid-Range Water-Reducing Admixture for Improved Concrete Performance
MasterPolyheed 8840
Mid-Range Water Reducer with Superior Pumping and Finishing
MasterPolyheed 8875
New Generation PCE-Based Water Reducing Admixture
MasterPolyheed 8960
New Mid-Range Admixture for Low Viscosity, Improved Rheology & Manufactured Sands
MasterPozzolith 2020
PCE Water-Reducing Admixture for Superior Product Stability and Rheology
MasterPozzolith 370
Non-Chloride Water-Reducing Admixture to Improve Concrete Performance
MasterPozzolith 400
Polymer-Based Water-Reducing Admixture for Economical Premix and Precast Applications
MasterPozzolith 450
Non-Chloride Water Reducing Admixture
MasterPozzolith 452
Non-Chloride Water Reducing Admixture
MasterPozzolith 55
Unique Retarder with Mild Plasticising Properties for Concrete, Mortar, and Cement Grouts
MasterPozzolith 80
Strength-Increasing Liquid Admixture for Economical Concrete with Reduced Water Usage
MasterPozzolith RT 300
Polymer Admixture for Improving Concrete Quality by Retarding Setting Time
MasterProtect 160
Architectural Anti-Carbonation Acrylic Coating for Protection and High Aesthetics
MasterProtect 355
Silane/Siloxane Hydrophobic Impregnant for Creating Water-Repellent Mineral Surfaces
MasterProtect 8020CI
Surface-Applied Corrosion Inhibitor for Dense Concrete and Steel Reinforcement Protection
MasterProtect 8065CP 8105CP 8150CP
Embedded Galvanic Anode for the Protection of Reinforcing Steel
MasterProtect 816 CP
Free Flowing Fast Setting Grout for Embedding Discrete Anodes
MasterProtect 8500CI
Silane-Based Liquid Corrosion Inhibitor for Mitigating Reinforcing Steel Corrosion in Concrete
MasterProtect H 1100
Hydrophobic Isobutyltriethoxysilane Liquid for Effective Concrete and Masonry Impregnation
MasterProtect H 1150
Water-repellent Aqueous Cream Used to Impregnate All Cement-Based Materials
MasterProtect P 155
Water-Based Acrylic Primer Used Before Anti-Carbonation Coating Application
MasterRoc ABR 5
Liquid Anti-Abrasion Agent for TBMs to Minimise Cutterhead Clogging and Dust
MasterRoc ACP 143
Anti-Clay Polymer for Earth Pressure Tunnel Boring Machine
MasterRoc FLC 100
Chloride-Free Powder Admixture for Protecting Post-Tensioned Cables in Prestressed Concrete
MasterRoc HCA 20
Chemical Admixture to Control and Suspend Cement Hydration
MasterRoc HCA 30
Chemical, Non-Dangerous Cement Hydration Control Admixture
MasterRoc MF 501
High-Performance Plasticizing and Water-Reducing Admixture for Mine Backfill Mixes
MasterRoc MF 504
High-Performance Dispersing Admixture for Mine Backfill Mixes
MasterRoc MF 505C
Concentrated Polymer Admixture for Improving Cementitious Mining Backfill with High Clay Content
MasterRoc MF 506
Liquid Admixture to Improve Mining Backfill by Retarding Setting Time for Easier Transport, Pumping, and Curing
MasterRoc MF 701
Non-Chloride Admixture for High-Performance Backfill by Stabilising Setting Times
MasterRoc MF 702
High-Performance Backfill Admixture
MasterRoc MF 705
High performance backfill admixture
MasterRoc MF 903
High performance dispersing admixture for mine backfill mixes
MasterRoc MG 01
High-Yield Thixotropic Cable Bolt Grout, Shrinkage Compensated for Civil Tunnels and Underground Mines
MasterRoc MG 03
High Strength Flowable Grout for Long Strand Cables and Strata Binding
MasterRoc MG 04
High Strength Flowable Grout for Long Strand Cables and Strata Binding
MasterRoc MG 46
Low to medium density foaming grout
MasterRoc MP 230CLN
Flushing and Preservation Agent for PU Injection Pumping Equipment
MasterRoc MP 323
Solvent-Free Hydrophilic Grout for Rock Injection and Sandy & Silty Strata Consolidation
MasterRoc MP 350
One-Component Water Sealing Injection Resin for Cracks and Fissures in Concrete and Rock
MasterRoc MP 355
Highly-Reactive, Two-Component Polyurethane Injection Resin
MasterRoc MP 356
General Purpose Rigid Polyurethane Foam for Pour-In-Place Applications in Wet and Dry Conditions
MasterRoc MP 367 Foam
Highly Reactive Polyurea Silicate Injection Foam for Filling and Ground Consolidation
MasterRoc MP 368
Highly Reactive, Fire-Resistant Two-Component Polyurea Silicate Injection Resin for Ground Consolidation
MasterRoc MP 368 TIX
Highly Reactive, Thixotropic, Fire-Resistant Polyurea Silicate Injection Resin for Ground Consolidation and Concrete Crack Repair
MasterRoc MP 640S
Microfine Cement for Injection into Rock and Soil
MasterRoc MP 768TIX
Highly Reactive, Thixotropic, Fire-Resistant Polyurea Silicate Injection Resin for Ground Consolidation and Concrete Repair
MasterRoc MP 900S
Ultrafine Cement for Injection into Rock and Soil
MasterRoc MSL 345
Elastic Waterproofing Membrane for Spray Application in Concrete Sandwich Structures
MasterRoc RBA 380
Highly Reactive, Fire-Resistant Thixotropic Polyurea Silicate Injection Resin for Rock Bolting
MasterRoc SA 160
Alkali-free, Liquid High-Performance Set Accelerator for Sprayed Concrete
MasterRoc SA 167
High-Performance Alkali-Free Set Accelerator for Durable, Rapid Sprayed Concrete Applications
MasterRoc SA 178
Alkali-Free Liquid Set Accelerator for Sprayed Concrete
MasterRoc STS 10
Cementitious-Based Shotcrete Mix for Sprayed Applications
MasterRoc TSG 6
Tail Sealant for Shielded Tunnel Boring Machines (TBM)
MasterRoc TSG 7
Tail Sealant for Shielded Tunnel Boring Machines (TBM)
MasterRoc TSG 800
Fire-Resistant Tail Sealant for Underground Construction
MasterRoc TSG 9
Tail Sealant for Shielded Tunnel Boring Machines (TBM)
MasterRoc TSL 865
Spray-Applied Polymer Membrane for Rock and Coal Protection
MasterSeal 501
Capillary Waterproofing System for Concrete and Mortar Used as a Coating or Dry Shake
MasterSeal 730PA
Pre-applied waterproofing membrane for below grade waterproofing
MasterSeal 930
High Performance Root Proof and Chemical Resistant FPO Tape Sealing System for Irregular and Unconventional Joints
MasterSeal CR 195
Extreme UV Resistant Polyurethane Sealant for Use on Vertical and Horizontal Applications
MasterSeal CR 435
Chemical Resistant Polyurea Hybrid Joint Sealant for Use on Exterior and Interior Joints
MasterSet AC 102
Liquid Admixture for Accelerating Concrete Setting and High-Early Strength
MasterSet AC 534
Non-Chloride Liquid Admixture for Accelerating Concrete Setting in Cool Conditions
MasterSet AC 595
Accelerating and High Early Strength Admixture
MasterSet AC 800
Non-Chloride Water-Reducing Admixture for Increased Setting Time in Cold Conditions
MasterSet Delvo Easy
Extended Storage and Re-use of Truck Mixer Washwater and Fresh Concrete
MasterSet RT 122
Liquid Polymer Admixture to Retard Concrete Setting Times to facilitate Placing and Finishing
MasterStrength ANC
Carbon fibre anchors for structural strengthening, connection, and anchoring of MasterStrength FAB and LAM systems (formerly MasterBrace Anchor)
MasterStrength FIB
Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) System for Structural Strengthening of Concrete and Timber Structures (formerly MasterBrace Fibre)
MasterTop 105
Silicon Carbide Aggregate Floor Hardener Applied as a Dry Shake Over Freshly Floated Concrete
MasterTop 1080
Epoxy Based Durable High Build Coloured Floor Coating
MasterTop 200
Iron Aggregate Dry-shake Surface Hardener for Industrial Floors
MasterTop 330
Heavy-duty, High Strength Iron Aggregate Topping with Extra Heavy-duty Protection Against Abrasion and Impac
MasterTop 333
Dust Arresting Silicate Solution Formulated to Bind the Surface of Old or New Concrete to Reduce Dusting
MasterTop 505
Rapid-setting Feather Finish Cementitious Floor Underlayment
Ucrete DP
Heavy Duty Non-Slip Polyurethane Hybrid Flooring System
Ucrete IF
Iron Aggregate Filled, Polyurethane Hybrid Floor System Ideal for Waste Management and Heavy Manufacturing Surfaces
Ucrete MF
Heavy Duty Polyurethane Flooring System Providing a Smooth Protective Floor Finish
Ucrete UD200
Heavy duty polyurethane hybrid flooring system
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