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Solutions for Rain Damaged Concrete Surfaces

MasterEmaco & MasterProtect

When concrete is pumped or finished in the rain, the after-effects can often lead to a series of failures that can cause structures to become weakened and even dangerous over time.

Failures Caused by Rain-Damaged Slabs

If rain falls on a slab during the initial set, it is common for the surface layer of cement to be removed, exposing the aggregate and leaving an unappealing final result.

Concrete Spalling:
If the rain is relentless, steel reinforcement may also become exposed, leading to concrete spalling from the expanding, oxidised steel.


Repairing Aesthetic Damage: MasterEmaco N 5100 is a polymer-modified fairing mortar that develops high early and ultimate strengths. It is chloride-free, shrinkage-compensated, and supplied ready-to-use, making it an ideal solution for repairing aesthetic damage caused by rain.

Repairing Concrete Spalling:

  1. Break out the concrete to the affected areas. If active corrosion is present, treat it with MasterProtect 8500CI.

  2. Prime the area with MasterEmaco P 5000AP.

  3. Apply MasterEmaco S 5300CI or MasterEmaco S 5400CI, depending on the time required to return the asset to service.

The high-build structural repair mortar has active corrosion inhibition, which not only hinders ongoing internal corrosion but also helps to protect the surface concrete from external corrosive forces.

Importance of Proper Diagnosis

Rain-damaged surfaces are complex to repair, and it is important to know what shortcoming is causing the defect before starting repair works.

Before you begin repairs, we recommend that you speak to the Master Builders Solutions Team. We can offer sound engineering advice, conduct testing of the concrete, and help you select the right product to eliminate any chance of further failures.

Contact the team on 1300 227 300 or enquire at Master Builders Solutions Contact