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The Innovative Anchoring Alternative to Traditional Rock Bolt Grouting


In mining, the deeper the excavation, the greater the geotechnical challenges. As the depth increases, so do the rock stresses affecting the strata.

Ensuring the stability of the strata is of paramount importance – not only in protecting the personnel but also the mine itself.

While rock bolting has proven itself to be a safe and highly reliable method of ground stabilisation over many years, for most mines that safety and reliability comes with a significant additional cost, namely: time delays. With traditional cementitious grouts taking as long as 12 hours to achieve the required strengths, delays resulting from rock bolting operations can and do have a significant impact on mining operations and overall productivity.

To overcome these issues, the team at Master Builders Solutions has developed an innovative high-performance rock bolt anchoring resin capable of delivering >35 MPa compressive strength in as little as three minutes.

Specifically Designed for Rock Bolting Operations

MasterRoc RBA 380 is a highly reactive, fire-resistant, thixotropic polyurea silicate injection resin that can be used on vertical and overhead substrates without the need for additional sealing.

Together with its unrivalled rapid-curing capabilities, MasterRoc RBA 380’s unique two-component formulation ensures that it fills even the smallest cracks (≥ 0.14 mm), while at the same time, providing a long-distance pumping capability of up to 30 metres.

It mixes easily, even in low temperatures (> 5°C) and neither expands its volume with water nor absorbs water.

Developed with a focus on versatility and performance, MasterRoc RBA 380 is ideal for both resin-into-bolt and bolt-into-resin rock bolting at all angles and can be used with both steel and glass fibre bolts. Its unique formulation allows for secure and precise injection to achieve fully encapsulated bolts for optimum load transfer between the strata and the rock bolt, in a fraction of the time required for traditional cementitious grouts.

MasterRoc RBA 380 delivers the ideal combination of flexibility and performance – maximising productivity and safety.

Click to learn more about MasterRoc RBA 380: MasterRoc RBA 380 TDS