Sustainability is at the core of our corporate philosophy

Driven by our purpose of "Inspiring people to build better," we are dedicated to integrating sustainable practices across all aspects of our operations, from product development to manufacturing and beyond. Our commitment is reflected in our efforts to minimize environmental impact, promote social responsibility, and ensure economic viability. We continuously innovate to create products that reduce carbon footprints, enhance energy efficiency, and utilize recycled materials. Compliance with strict environmental standards and our proactive approach to tackling sustainability issues underline our commitment to a responsible future.
Key facts
Our annual sustainability report holds us accountable across Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) areas and serves as a vital tool to track our progress, to share openly where improvements are needed and confirm our plans for the future.
Climate Change
reduction in CO₂e per tonne produced (scope 1 and 2)
Circular Economy
wastewater reduction per produced ton
Diversity & Inclusion
of the total workforce are women
Health & Safety
lost time injury rate per 1 million working hours
Our sustainability strategy pillars
Products and Services
Innovate products and solutions designed to preserve resources, lower emissions, and safeguard health and wellbeing.
Climate and Environment
Reach targets to reduce our emissions, water consumption, and wastewater across our operations.
Support the health and safety of our employees and work towards a more diverse workforce.
Business Integrity
Ensure our business is conducted in a compliant, ethical, and transparent manner.
From responsible procurement to product delivery, our employees work to reduce our environmental footprint and collaborate with suppliers and customers. Our success is built on partnerships, integrity, safety, performance, agility, and good governance.
Dr.-Ing. Shirin Fataei, Head of Sustainability
Our answer to sustainability
Energy management
Ongoing energy efficiency improvements have been key to our targets. In June, we installed a 93% efficient steam boiler in Treviso, Italy, cutting plant natural gas use by 10%. We also initiated PV installations in Poland, Romania, and Italy.
Waste management
In 2023, we audited waste at 15 of our 36 production sites, with a goal to complete audits at all sites by 2025. The main sources of non-hazardous waste are off-spec raw materials and final products. We significantly increased the recycling and reuse of intermediate bulk containers (IBCs) and expanded the number of sites capable of cleaning IBCs for reuse. In Australia, we piloted the switch from composite cement bags to fully recyclable or biodegradable twin-ply paper bags, with plans for broader implementation.
Water Management
We prioritize reducing water consumption and reusing water wherever possible. By 2025, we aim to reduce wastewater by 15% per tonne produced (2020 baseline). Thanks to small-scale initiatives, we achieved a 35% reduction ahead of schedule. In 2023, we installed a wastewater treatment plant in Spain and approved another in the Netherlands. We're condensing wastewater to minimize treatment volumes and trialing rainwater collection in Poland. Changes at our Georgia site are expected to cut water consumption by 25% in 2024.

Proud Participant of the UN Global Compact
In 2024, Master Builders Solutions has officially become a participant of the UN Global Compact Network (UNGC). The United Nations Global Compact is the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative, calling on companies to align their strategies and operations with the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact in the areas of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption.

Proud achievemnt of EcoVadis Silver
We assess and report on our ESG (environment, social and governance) performance through EcoVadis, a global leader in business sustainability assessments. Our latest rating has earned us a Silver medal that places us in the 94th percentile among all rated companies and validates our sustainability commitments, practices and performance.
Contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
We recognize the urgent need for collective action to address global challenges such as climate change, environmental degradation, and social inequality. As part of our commitment to sustainability, we align our efforts with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These ambitious goals provide a framework for creating a more equitable, resilient, and sustainable world.
Decent work and economic growth
We promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all, while ensuring health, safety and well-being of our employees.
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
We contribute to innovation that supports more resilient and sustainable infrastructure while improving our own operations to reduce our negative environmental impact.
Sustainable cities and communities
Our products and services directly enable more sustainable construction and help reduce the volumes of concrete waste generated during construction and demolition.
Responsible consumption and production
Our products and services support responsible resource consumption by enabling use of recycled aggregates or high amounts of fines without increasing the water demand.
Climate action
A key focus of our products and services is the decarbonisation of the construction industry, while reducing greenhouse gas emissions of our own operations.