Efficient Shrinkage Reduction to Increase Concrete Durability

Next level of shrinkage reducing admixtures

What is MB-Life SRA?

Master Builders Solutions® offers a broad range of tailored products covering all requirements regarding concrete durability and serviceability. MB-Life SRA are liquid shrinkage reducing admixtures which reduce both the autogenous and drying shrinkage of concrete while maintaining its mechanical properties.

This results in customer benefits which comprise both economic and technical advantages for the whole value chain of concrete industry. The admixtures do not contain any expansive material, but chemically reduce the internal capillary forces.

Overview on shrinkage characteristics

Shrinkage describes the external changes in the volume of concrete (contraction) which are independent of the loading and caused by changes in the water regime and the chemical reaction (hydration) of the concrete. Shrinkage can be separated into the four types: plastic shrinkage, autogenous shrinkage, drying shrinkage and carbonation shrinkage (usually negligible for construction concrete). Due to shrinkage, concrete may exhibit a severe crack development which favours the ingress of harmful substances, potentially leading to a decreased durability.