
A New Admixture Technology for Reducing Concrete Viscosity

MB-Ease improves concrete rheology

A new concept focusing on concrete viscosity

Innovation is one of the cornerstones of our company. Our R&D teams have developed an entirely new generation of polymers. These new molecules give fresh concrete exceptional rheological properties, including a significant drop in viscosity. MB-Ease admixtures are designed to deliver exceptional low viscous yet stable concrete mixes. With their new patent protected chemical basis they enable easy to pump, place and finish concrete even with very demanding mix designs.

Advantages for the concrete industry:
  • Mixing and installation: Improved rheology for day-to-day naturally viscous concretes

  • Lower viscosity and improved ease of pumping and placing of concretes with a low water/cement ratio, self-consolidating concrete, high-performance concrete, ultrahigh-performance concrete, pumped concrete, foundation concrete, fiber reinforced concrete, etc.

  • Reduced viscosity of concretes optimized towards a low environmental impact and high durability that employs very low water/cement ratios and a high dosage of mineral additives and supplementary cementitious materials

The possibility of further reducing the water/cement ratio without affecting viscosity brings about:
  • An improvement in performance quality and durability

  • New scope for technical and economic optimization of the concrete formulas in terms of the dosage and nature of the bonding agent, the choice of aggregates, etc.